Complex foliations, dynamics and geometry, July 23-27 2018


Visa information

The Brazilian visa system operates under a strict reciprocity policy.

That means that all citizens from countries which require visas from Brazilians will have to obtain visas to attend the conference. Beware that to attend a scientific conference in Brazil a tourist visa suffices. Source: Consulate General of Brazil

Foreign participants should get in touch with the nearest Brazilian Consulate (click on the map) to find out whether a visa is required.

Here you find the list of nationalities that are exempt from this requirement. Those who do need visa should note that a tourist visa sufficient for the conference attendance; for more information about Brazil, visit the official Brazilian Institute of Tourism website.

Conference Venue

Auditório do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da UFF

Rua Prof. Marcos Waldemar de Freitas Reis, s/nº – Bloco G
Campus do Gragoatá
24210-201- Niterói – RJ

Getting there via Public Transportation

  1. From downtown Niterói: walk 16 minutes (map) or take buses 47, 47A or 47B (red buses).
  2. From  downtown Rio de Janeiro: take the ferry from Praça XV towards Araribóia Niterói, and follow Case 1 (map).
  3. From Santos Dumont Airport: walk 15 minutes (map) to Praça XV, and follow Case 2.
  4. From Zona Sul in Rio de janeiro: take one of the following buses Ipanema-Charitas (740D or 741D) or Gávea-Charitas (750D or 751D or 775D) and follow Case 1.
  5. From the International Airport Tom Jobim (a.k.a. Galeão): take bus Galeão-Charitas (760 or 761) and follow Case 1.
  6. Taxis and Uber work well in the Rio de Janeiro area.

Where to stay

There are plenty of hotels and other possibilities of housing in Niterói.

The following is a list of Hotels that offered a special rate for the conference. If you are willing to make a reservation, please contact the hotel directly.

Hotel Tower, Av. Alm. Ary Parreiras, 12 – Icaraí, Niterói – RJ, Tel: +55 21 2612-2121

Hotel H, Rua Dr. Paulo Alves 14. Ingá, Niterói – RJ,  Tel: +55 21 31745055

Hotel Cantareira , R. Gen. Osório, 62 – São Domingos, Niterói – RJ, Tel: +55 21 3604-1681,

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